1. airports::usairports
    US Airports
  2. cherryblossom::run09
    Cherry Blossom Run data, 2009
  3. cherryblossom::run12
    Cherry Blossom Run data, 2012
  4. cherryblossom::run17
    Cherry Blossom Run data, 2017
  5. openintro::COL
    OpenIntro Statistics colors
  6. openintro::IMSCOL
    Introduction to Modern Statistics (IMS) Colors
  7. openintro::LAhomes
  8. openintro::LEAP
    Patient level data on the randomized trial Learning Early About Peanut (LEAP) allergies.
  9. openintro::absenteeism
    Absenteeism from school in New South Wales
  10. openintro::acs12
    American Community Survey, 2012
  11. openintro::age_at_mar
    Age at first marriage of 5,534 US women.
  12. openintro::ames
    Housing prices in Ames, Iowa
  13. openintro::ami_occurrences
    Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Events
  14. openintro::antibiotics
    Pre-existing conditions in 92 children
  15. openintro::arbuthnot
    Male and female births in London
  16. openintro::arenosa
  17. openintro::ask
    How important is it to ask pointed questions?
  18. openintro::association
    Simulated data for association plots
  19. openintro::assortative_mating
    Eye color of couples
  20. openintro::assortive_mating
    Eye color of couples
  21. openintro::avandia
    Cardiovascular problems for two types of Diabetes medicines
  22. openintro::babies
    The Child Health and Development Studies
  23. openintro::babies_crawl
    Crawling age
  24. openintro::bac
    Beer and blood alcohol content
  25. openintro::ball_bearing
    Lifespan of ball bearings
  26. openintro::bdims
    Body measurements of 507 physically active individuals.
  27. openintro::biontech_adolescents
    Efficacy of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on adolescents
  28. openintro::birds
    Aircraft-Wildlife Collisions
  29. openintro::births
    North Carolina births, 100 cases
  30. openintro::births14
    US births
  31. openintro::blizzard_salary
    Blizzard Employee Voluntary Salary Info.
  32. openintro::books
    Sample of books on a shelf
  33. openintro::burger
    Burger preferences
  34. openintro::cancer_in_dogs
    Cancer in dogs
  35. openintro::cards
    Deck of cards
  36. openintro::cars04
  37. openintro::cars93
  38. openintro::cchousing
    Community college housing (simulated data)
  39. openintro::cdc
  40. openintro::cdc.samp
  41. openintro::census
    Random sample of 2000 U.S. Census Data
  42. openintro::census.2010
  43. openintro::cherry
    Summary information for 31 cherry trees
  44. openintro::children_gender_stereo
    Gender Stereotypes in 5-7 year old Children
  45. openintro::china
    Child care hours
  46. openintro::cia_factbook
    CIA Factbook Details on Countries
  47. openintro::classdata
    Simulated class data
  48. openintro::cle_sac
    Cleveland and Sacramento
  49. openintro::climate70
    Temperature Summary Data, Geography Limited
  50. openintro::climber_drugs
    Climber Drugs Data.
  51. openintro::coast_starlight
    Coast Starlight Amtrak train
  52. openintro::comics
  53. openintro::corr_match
    Sample datasets for correlation problems
  54. openintro::country_iso
    Country ISO information
  55. openintro::cpr
    CPR dataset
  56. openintro::cpu
    CPU's Released between 2010 and 2020.
  57. openintro::credits
    College credits.
  58. openintro::danish.ed.primary
  59. openintro::danish.ed.validation
    Data from a Danish study on triage in an emergency department (ED)
  60. openintro::daycare_fines
    Daycare fines
  61. openintro::dds.discr
    A dataset on disbursements from the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS)
  62. openintro::diabetes2
    Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial for Patients 10-17 Years Old
  63. openintro::dream
    Survey on views of the DREAM Act
  64. openintro::drone_blades
    Quadcopter Drone Blades
  65. openintro::drug_use
    Drug use of students and parents
  66. openintro::duke_forest
    Sale prices of houses in Duke Forest, Durham, NC
  67. openintro::earthquakes
  68. openintro::ebola_survey
    Survey on Ebola quarantine
  69. openintro::elmhurst
    Elmhurst College gift aid
  70. openintro::email
    Data frame representing information about a collection of emails
  71. openintro::email50
    Sample of 50 emails
  72. openintro::email_test
    Data frame representing information about a collection of emails
  73. openintro::env_regulation
    American Adults on Regulation and Renewable Energy
  74. openintro::epa2012
    Vehicle info from the EPA for 2012
  75. openintro::epa2021
    Vehicle info from the EPA for 2021
  76. openintro::esi
    Environmental Sustainability Index 2005
  77. openintro::ethanol
    Ethanol Treatment for Tumors Experiment
  78. openintro::evals
    Professor evaluations and beauty
  79. openintro::exam_grades
    Exam and course grades for statistics students
  80. openintro::exams
    Exam scores
  81. openintro::exclusive_relationship
    Number of Exclusive Relationships
  82. openintro::fact_opinion
    Can Americans categorize facts and opinions?
  83. openintro::family_college
    Simulated sample of parent / teen college attendance
  84. openintro::famuss
    A dataset to examine the relationship between muscle strength and the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) actn3.r577x.
  85. openintro::fastfood
    Nutrition in fast food
  86. openintro::fcid
    Summary of male heights from USDA Food Commodity Intake Database
  87. openintro::fheights
    Female college student heights, in inches
  88. openintro::fish_age
    Young fish in the North Sea.
  89. openintro::fish_oil_18
    Findings on n-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Health Benefits
  90. openintro::flow_rates
    River flow data
  91. openintro::forest.birds
    A dataset to study the relationship between species abundance of birds and habitat features.
  92. openintro::friday
    Friday the 13th
  93. openintro::frog
    Frog Maternal Investment Based on Altitude in Tibetan Plateau
  94. openintro::full_body_scan
    Poll about use of full-body airport scanners
  95. openintro::gdp_countries
    GDP Countries Data.
  96. openintro::gear_company
    Fake data for a gear company example
  97. openintro::gender_discrimination
    Bank manager recommendations based on gender
  98. openintro::get_it_dunn_run
    Get it Dunn Run, Race Times
  99. openintro::gifted
    Analytical skills of young gifted children
  100. openintro::global_warming_pew
    Pew survey on global warming
  101. openintro::goog
    Google stock data
  102. openintro::gov_poll
    Pew Research poll on government approval ratings
  103. openintro::gpa
    Survey of Duke students on GPA, studying, and more
  104. openintro::gpa_iq
    Sample of students and their GPA and IQ
  105. openintro::gpa_study_hours
  106. openintro::gradestv
    Simulated data for analyzing the relationship between watching TV and grades
  107. openintro::gsearch
    Simulated Google search experiment
  108. openintro::gss2010
    2010 General Social Survey
  109. openintro::gss_wordsum_class
  110. openintro::health_coverage
    Health Coverage and Health Status
  111. openintro::healthcare_law_survey
    Pew Research Center poll on health care, including question variants
  112. openintro::heart_transplant
    Heart Transplant Data
  113. openintro::helium
    Helium football
  114. openintro::helmet
    Socioeconomic status and reduced-fee school lunches
  115. openintro::hfi
    Human Freedom Index
  116. openintro::house
    United States House of Representatives historical make-up
  117. openintro::housing
    Simulated dataset on student housing
  118. openintro::hsb2
    High School and Beyond survey
  119. openintro::husbands_wives
    Great Britain: husband and wife pairs
  120. openintro::hyperuricemia
    Data from an observational study with potential predictors for uric acid levels.
  121. openintro::hyperuricemia.samp
    Random sample of 500 cases from the 'hyperuricemia' dataset.
  122. openintro::immigration
    Poll on illegal workers in the US
  123. openintro::infant_mortality_2022
    United States 2022 infant mortality and number of physicians by state, including the District of Columbia.
  124. openintro::infmortrate
    Infant Mortality Rates, 2012
  125. openintro::iowa
  126. openintro::ipo
    Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn IPO filings
  127. openintro::ipod
    Length of songs on an iPod
  128. openintro::iran
  129. openintro::jury
    Simulated juror dataset
  130. openintro::kobe_basket
    Kobe Bryant basketball performance
  131. openintro::labor_market_discrimination
    Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal?
  132. openintro::law_resume
    Gender, Socioeconomic Class, and Interview Invites
  133. openintro::lecture_learning
    Lecture Delivery Method and Learning Outcomes
  134. openintro::leg_mari
    Legalization of Marijuana Support in 2010 California Survey
  135. openintro::lego_population
    Population of Lego Sets for Sale between Jan. 1, 2018 and Sept. 11, 2020.
  136. openintro::lego_sample
    Sample of Lego Sets
  137. openintro::life_exp
  138. openintro::lizard_habitat
    Field data on lizards observed in their natural habitat
  139. openintro::lizard_run
    Lizard speeds
  140. openintro::loan50
    Loan data from Lending Club
  141. openintro::loans_full_schema
    Loan data from Lending Club
  142. openintro::london_boroughs
    London Borough Boundaries
  143. openintro::london_murders
    London Murders, 2006-2011
  144. openintro::mail_me
    Influence of a Good Mood on Helpfulness
  145. openintro::major_survey
    Survey of Duke students and the area of their major
  146. openintro::malaria
    Malaria Vaccine Trial
  147. openintro::male_heights
    Sample of 100 male heights
  148. openintro::male_heights_fcid
    Random sample of adult male heights
  149. openintro::mammals
    Sleep in Mammals
  150. openintro::mammogram
    Experiment with Mammogram Randomized
  151. openintro::manhattan
  152. openintro::marathon
    New York City Marathon Times (outdated)
  153. openintro::mariokart
    Wii Mario Kart auctions from Ebay
  154. openintro::mcas
    A dataset containing the school-level percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced in the 2018 Grade 10 Mathematics test in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, along with characteristics of the school.
  155. openintro::mcu_films
    Marvel Cinematic Universe films
  156. openintro::midterms_house
    President's party performance and unemployment rate
  157. openintro::migraine
    Migraines and acupuncture
  158. openintro::military
    US Military Demographics
  159. openintro::mlb
    Salary data for Major League Baseball (2010)
  160. openintro::mlb_players_18
    Batter Statistics for 2018 Major League Baseball (MLB) Season
  161. openintro::mlb_teams
    Major League Baseball Teams Data.
  162. openintro::mlbbat10
    Major League Baseball Player Hitting Statistics for 2010
  163. openintro::mn_police_use_of_force
    Minneapolis police use of force data.
  164. openintro::movies
  165. openintro::mtl
    Medial temporal lobe (MTL) and other data for 26 participants
  166. openintro::murders
    Data for 20 metropolitan areas
  167. openintro::nba_finals
    NBA Finals History
  168. openintro::nba_finals_teams
    NBA Finals Team Summary
  169. openintro::nba_heights
    NBA Player heights from 2008-9
  170. openintro::nba_players_19
    NBA Players for the 2018-2019 season
  171. openintro::ncbirths
    North Carolina births, 1000 cases
  172. openintro::nhanes.samp
    Random sample of 200 observations from the dataset NHANES.
  173. openintro::nhanes.samp.adult
    Selection of participants 21 years of age or older from nhanes.samp.
  174. openintro::nhanes.samp.adult.500
    A random sample of 500 participants age 21 or older from the full NHANES data.
  175. openintro::nuclear_survey
    Nuclear Arms Reduction Survey
  176. openintro::nyc
  177. openintro::nyc_marathon
    New York City Marathon Times
  178. openintro::nycflights
    Flights data
  179. openintro::offshore_drilling
    California poll on drilling off the California coast
  180. openintro::openintro_colors
    OpenIntro colors
  181. openintro::openintro_palettes
    OpenIntro palettes
  182. openintro::opp_insights_colleges
    College education and upward mobility
  183. openintro::opp_insights_colleges_4year
    Data from 'opp_insights_colleges' that is restricted to 4-year, not-for-profit colleges.
  184. openintro::opportunity_cost
    Opportunity cost of purchases
  185. openintro::orings
    1986 Challenger disaster and O-rings
  186. openintro::oscars
    Oscar winners, 1929 to 2018
  187. openintro::outliers
    Simulated datasets for different types of outliers
  188. openintro::paralympic_1500
    Race time for Olympic and Paralympic 1500m.
  189. openintro::penelope
    Guesses at the weight of Penelope (a cow)
  190. openintro::penetrating_oil
    What's the best way to loosen a rusty bolt?
  191. openintro::penny_ages
    Penny Ages
  192. openintro::pew_energy_2018
    Pew Survey on Energy Sources in 2018
  193. openintro::photo_classify
    Photo classifications: fashion or not
  194. openintro::piracy
    Piracy and PIPA/SOPA
  195. openintro::playing_cards
    Table of Playing Cards in 52-Card Deck
  196. openintro::pm25_2011_durham
    Air quality for Durham, NC
  197. openintro::pm25_2022_durham
    Air quality for Durham, NC
  198. openintro::poker
    Poker winnings during 50 sessions
  199. openintro::possum
    Possums in Australia and New Guinea
  200. openintro::ppp_201503
    US Poll on who it is better to raise taxes on
  201. openintro::present
    Birth counts
  202. openintro::president
    United States Presidental History
  203. openintro::prevend
    Data with Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT) scores with demographic predictors and statin use.
  204. openintro::prevend.samp
    Random sample of size 500 from the prevend dataset
  205. openintro::prison
    Prison isolation experiment
  206. openintro::prius_mpg
    User reported fuel efficiency for 2017 Toyota Prius Prime
  207. openintro::race_justice
    Yahoo! News Race and Justice poll results
  208. openintro::reddit_finance
    Reddit Survey on Financial Independence.
  209. openintro::res_demo_1
    Simulated data for regression
  210. openintro::res_demo_2
    Simulated data for regression
  211. openintro::resume
    Which resume attributes drive job callbacks?
  212. openintro::rosling_responses
    Sample Responses to Two Public Health Questions
  213. openintro::russian_influence_on_us_election_2016
    Russians' Opinions on US Election Influence in 2016
  214. openintro::sa_gdp_elec
    Sustainability and Economic Indicators for South Africa.
  215. openintro::salinity
    Salinity in Bimini Lagoon, Bahamas
  216. openintro::sat_improve
    Simulated data for SAT score improvement
  217. openintro::satgpa
    SAT and GPA data
  218. openintro::scotus_healthcare
    Public Opinion with SCOTUS ruling on American Healthcare Act
  219. openintro::seattlepets
    Names of pets in Seattle
  220. openintro::sex_discrimination
    Bank manager recommendations based on sex
  221. openintro::simpsons_paradox_covid
    Simpson's Paradox: Covid
  222. openintro::simulated_dist
    Simulated datasets, not necessarily drawn from a normal distribution.
  223. openintro::simulated_normal
    Simulated datasets, drawn from a normal distribution.
  224. openintro::simulated_scatter
    Simulated data for sample scatterplots
  225. openintro::sinusitis
    Sinusitis and antibiotic experiment
  226. openintro::sleep_deprivation
    Survey on sleep deprivation and transportation workers
  227. openintro::smallpox
    Smallpox vaccine results
  228. openintro::smoking
    UK Smoking Data
  229. openintro::snowfall
    Snowfall at Paradise, Mt. Rainier National Park
  230. openintro::socialexp
    Social experiment
  231. openintro::soda
  232. openintro::solar
    Energy Output From Two Solar Arrays in San Francisco
  233. openintro::sowc_child_mortality
    SOWC Child Mortality Data.
  234. openintro::sowc_demographics
    SOWC Demographics Data.
  235. openintro::sowc_maternal_newborn
    SOWC Maternal and Newborn Health Data.
  236. openintro::sp500
    Financial information for 50 S&P 500 companies
  237. openintro::sp500_1950_2018
    Daily observations for the S&P 500
  238. openintro::sp500_seq
    S&P 500 stock data
  239. openintro::speed_gender_height
    Speed, gender, and height of 1325 students
  240. openintro::ssd_speed
    SSD read and write speeds
  241. openintro::starbucks
    Starbucks nutrition
  242. openintro::stats_scores
    Final exam scores for twenty students
  243. openintro::stem_cell
    Embryonic stem cells to treat heart attack (in sheep)
  244. openintro::stent30
    Stents for the treatment of stroke
  245. openintro::stent365
    Stents for the treatment of stroke
  246. openintro::stocks_18
    Monthly Returns for a few stocks
  247. openintro::student_housing
    Community college housing (simulated data, 2015)
  248. openintro::student_sleep
    Sleep for 110 students (simulated)
  249. openintro::sugar.levels.A
    Simulated fasting blood sugar levels for 100 residents of a hypothetical neighborhood labeled A.
  250. openintro::sugar.levels.B
    Simulated fasting blood sugar levels for 100 residents of a hypothetical neighborhood labeled B.
  251. openintro::sulphinpyrazone
    Treating heart attacks
  252. openintro::supreme_court
    Supreme Court approval rating
  253. openintro::swim
    Swim velocities using different types of swimsuits
  254. openintro::tb.interruption
    Data used to model a triage scoring scale for a Danish emergency department.
  255. openintro::teacher
    Teacher Salaries in St. Louis, Michigan
  256. openintro::textbooks
    Textbook data for UCLA Bookstore and Amazon
  257. openintro::thanksgiving_spend
    Thanksgiving spending, simulated based on Gallup poll.
  258. openintro::thermometry
    A dataframe of 130 rows and 3 on body temperature.
  259. openintro::tips
    Tip data
  260. openintro::toohey
    Simulated polling dataset
  261. openintro::tourism
    Turkey tourism
  262. openintro::toy_anova
    Simulated dataset for ANOVA
  263. openintro::transplant
    Transplant consultant success rate (fake data)
  264. openintro::twins
  265. openintro::ucb_admit
  266. openintro::ucla_f18
    UCLA courses in Fall 2018
  267. openintro::ucla_textbooks_f18
    Sample of UCLA course textbooks for Fall 2018
  268. openintro::ukdemo
    United Kingdom Demographic Data
  269. openintro::unempl
    Annual unemployment since 1890
  270. openintro::unemploy_pres
    President's party performance and unemployment rate
  271. openintro::us_temperature
    US temperatures in 1950 and 2022
  272. openintro::wdi_2022
    World Development Indicators, 2022.
  273. openintro::winery_cars
    Time Between Gondola Cars at Sterling Winery
  274. openintro::world_pop
    World Population Data.
  275. openintro::xom
    Exxon Mobile stock data
  276. openintro::yawn
    Contagiousness of yawning
  277. openintro::yrbss
    Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
  278. openintro::yrbss_samp
    Sample of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
  279. usdata::airline_delay
    Airline Delays for December 2019 and 2020.
  280. usdata::county
    United States Counties
  281. usdata::county_2019
    American Community Survey 2019
  282. usdata::county_complete
    United States Counties
  283. usdata::fatal_police_shootings
    Fatal Police Shootings data.
  284. usdata::gerrymander
  285. usdata::govrace10
    Election results for 2010 Governor races in the U.S.
  286. usdata::houserace10
    Election results for the 2010 U.S. House of Represenatives races
  287. usdata::pierce_county_house_sales
    Pierce County House Sales Data for 2020
  288. usdata::pop_age_2019
    Population Age 2019 Data.
  289. usdata::pop_race_2019
    Population Race 2019 Data.
  290. usdata::prez_pwr
    Presidential Power.
  291. usdata::prrace08
    Election results for the 2008 U.S. Presidential race
  292. usdata::senaterace10
    Election results for the 2010 U.S. Senate races
  293. usdata::state_stats
    State-level data
  294. usdata::urban_owner
    Summary of many state-level variables
  295. usdata::urban_rural_pop
    State summary info
  296. usdata::us_crime_rates
    US Crime Rates
  297. usdata::us_temp
    US Temperature Data
  298. usdata::us_time_survey
    American Time Survey 2009 - 2019
  299. usdata::vote_nsa
    Predicting who would vote for NSA Mass Surveillance
  300. usdata::voter_count
    US Voter Turnout Data.