Package: openintro 2.5.0

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel

openintro: Datasets and Supplemental Functions from 'OpenIntro' Textbooks and Labs

Supplemental functions and data for 'OpenIntro' resources, which includes open-source textbooks and resources for introductory statistics (<>). The package contains datasets used in our open-source textbooks along with custom plotting functions for reproducing book figures. Note that many functions and examples include color transparency; some plotting elements may not show up properly (or at all) when run in some versions of Windows operating system.

Authors:Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel [aut, cre], David Diez [aut], Andrew Bray [aut], Albert Y. Kim [aut], Ben Baumer [aut], Chester Ismay [aut], Nick Paterno [aut], Christopher Barr [aut]

openintro.pdf |openintro.html
openintro/json (API)

# Install 'openintro' in R:
install.packages('openintro', repos = c('', ''))

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11.39 score 240 stars 6.0k scripts 14k downloads 36 exports 64 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:d54763213c. Checks:2 OK, 6 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKMar 02 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEMar 02 2025
R-4.5-macOKMar 02 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEMar 02 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEMar 02 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEMar 02 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEMar 02 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEMar 02 2025



Datasets of OpenIntro

Rendered fromdatasets.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Mar 02 2025.

Last update: 2020-06-26
Started: 2020-06-26

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Help pageTopics
Absenteeism from school in New South Walesabsenteeism
American Community Survey, 2012acs12
Age at first marriage of 5,534 US ageAtMar age_at_mar
Housing prices in Ames, Iowaames
Acute Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) Eventsami_occurrences
Pre-existing conditions in 92 childrenantibiotics antibiotics_in_children
Male and female births in Londonarbuthnot
Create a Line That may have Arrows on the EndsArrowLines
How important is it to ask pointed questions?ask
Simulated data for association plotsassociation association_1_3, association_4_6, association_7_12
Eye color of couplesassortative_mating assortive.mating assortive_mating
Cardiovascular problems for two types of Diabetes medicinesavandia
Build Better Looking Axis Labels for US DollarsAxisInDollars
Build Better Looking Axis Labels for PercentagesAxisInPercent
The Child Health and Development Studiesbabies
Crawling agebabies_crawl
Beer and blood alcohol contentbac
Lifespan of ball bearingsball.bearing ballBearing ball_bearing
Body measurements of 507 physically active individuals.bdims
Add background color to a plotBG
Efficacy of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on adolescentsbiontech_adolescents
Aircraft-Wildlife Collisionsbirds
North Carolina births, 100 casesbirths
US birthsbirths14
Blizzard Employee Voluntary Salary Info.blizzard_salary
Sample of books on a shelfbooks
Box plotboxPlot
Plot a Braces SymbolBraces
Axis function substitutebuildAxis
Burger preferencesburger
Calculate hit streakscalc_streak
Cancer in dogscancer_in_dogs
Deck of cardscards
Community college housing (simulated data)cchousing
Plot a Cartesian Coordinate PlaneCCP
Random sample of 2000 U.S. Census Datacensus
Summary information for 31 cherry treescherry
Gender Stereotypes in 5-7 year old Childrenchildren_gender_stereo
Child care hourschina
Plot upper tail in chi-square distributionChiSquareTail
CIA Factbook Details on Countriescia.factbook cia_factbook
Simulated class dataclassdata
Cleveland and Sacramentocle_sac
Temperature Summary Data, Geography Limitedclimate70
Climber Drugs Data.climber_drugs
Coast Starlight Amtrak traincoast.starlight coast_starlight
OpenIntro Statistics colorsCOL
Generate Contingency Tables for LaTeXcontTable
Sample datasets for correlation problemscorr.match corr_match
Country ISO informationcountry_iso
CPR datasetcpr
CPU's Released between 2010 and 2020.cpu
College credits.credits
Contingency Table to Data FrameCT2DF
Data from a Danish study on triage in an emergency department (ED)danish.ed.validation
Daycare finesdaycare_fines
A dataset on disbursements from the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS)dds.discr dds.dscr
Density plotdensityPlot
Type 2 Diabetes Clinical Trial for Patients 10-17 Years Olddiabetes2
Create a Double Line Segment Plotdlsegments
Dot plotdotPlot
Add a Stacked Dot Plot to an Existing PlotdotPlotStack
Survey on views of the DREAM Actdream
Quadcopter Drone Bladesdrone_blades
Drug use of students and parentsdrug_use
Sale prices of houses in Duke Forest, Durham, NCduke_forest
Survey on Ebola quarantineebola_survey
Exploratory data analysis plotcreateEdaOptions edaPlot fitNormal guessMethod makePlotIcon plotNothing
Elmhurst College gift aidelmhurst
Data frame representing information about a collection of emailsemail email_test
Sample of 50 emailsemail50
American Adults on Regulation and Renewable Energyenv_regulation
Vehicle info from the EPA for 2012epa2012
Vehicle info from the EPA for 2021epa2021
Environmental Sustainability Index 2005esi
Ethanol Treatment for Tumors Experimentethanol
Professor evaluations and beautyevals
Exam and course grades for statistics studentsexam_grades
Exam scoresexams
Number of Exclusive Relationshipsexclusive.relationship exclusive_relationship
Can Americans categorize facts and opinions?fact_opinion
Fade colorsfadeColor
Simulated sample of parent / teen college attendancefamily_college
A dataset to examine the relationship between muscle strength and the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) actn3.r577x.famuss
Nutrition in fast foodfastfood
Summary of male heights from USDA Food Commodity Intake Databasefcid
Female college student heights, in inchesfheights
Young fish in the North Sea.fish_age
Findings on n-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Health Benefitsfish_oil_18
River flow dataflow_rates
A dataset to study the relationship between species abundance of birds and habitat features.forest.birds
Friday the 13thfriday
Frog Maternal Investment Based on Altitude in Tibetan Plateaufrog
Poll about use of full-body airport scannersfull.body.scan full_body_scan
GDP Countries Data.gdp_countries
Fake data for a gear company examplegear_company
Bank manager recommendations based on gendergender_discrimination
Get it Dunn Run, Race Timesget_it_dunn_run
Analytical skills of young gifted childrengifted
Pew survey on global warmingglobal.warming.pew global_warming_pew
Google stock datagoog
Pew Research poll on government approval ratingsgov_poll
Survey of Duke students on GPA, studying, and moregpa
Sample of students and their GPA and gpa_iq
Simulated data for analyzing the relationship between watching TV and gradesgradestv
Simulated Google search experimentgsearch
2010 General Social Surveygss2010
Health Coverage and Health Statushealth.coverage health_coverage
Pew Research Center poll on health care, including question variantshealthcare_law_survey
Heart Transplant DataheartTr heart_transplant
Helium footballhelium
Socioeconomic status and reduced-fee school luncheshelmet
Human Freedom Indexhfi
Histogram or hollow histogramhistPlot
United States House of Representatives historical make-uphouse
Simulated dataset on student housinghousing
High School and Beyond surveyhsb2
Great Britain: husband and wife pairshusbands.wives husbands_wives
Data from an observational study with potential predictors for uric acid levels.hyperuricemia
Random sample of 500 cases from the 'hyperuricemia' dataset.hyperuricemia.samp
Poll on illegal workers in the USimmigration
Introduction to Modern Statistics (IMS) ColorsIMSCOL
United States 2022 infant mortality and number of physicians by state, including the District of Columbia.infant_mortality_2022
Infant Mortality Rates, 2012infmortrate
Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn IPO filingsipo
Length of songs on an iPodipod
Simulated juror datasetjury
Kobe Bryant basketball performancekobe_basket
Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal?labor_market_discrimination labor_market_discriminiation
Gender, Socioeconomic Class, and Interview Inviteslaw_resume
Patient level data on the randomized trial Learning Early About Peanut (LEAP) allergies.LEAP
Lecture Delivery Method and Learning Outcomeslecture_learning
Legalization of Marijuana Support in 2010 California Surveyleg_mari
Population of Lego Sets for Sale between Jan. 1, 2018 and Sept. 11, 2020.lego_population
Sample of Lego Setslego_sample
Create simple regression plot with residual plotlinResPlot
Field data on lizards observed in their natural habitatlizard_habitat
Lizard speedslizard_run
Linear regression plot with residual plotlmPlot
Loan data from Lending Clubloan50 loans_full_schema
London Borough Boundarieslondon_boroughs
London Murders, 2006-2011london_murders
Output a message while inside a looploop
Create a Line Segment Plotlsegments
Influence of a Good Mood on Helpfulnessmail_me
Survey of Duke students and the area of their majormajor.survey major_survey
Regression tubemakeTube
Malaria Vaccine Trialmalaria
Sample of 100 male heightsmale_heights
Random sample of adult male heightsmale_heights_fcid
Sleep in Mammalsmammals
Experiment with Mammogram Randomizedmammogram
New York City Marathon Times (outdated)marathon
Wii Mario Kart auctions from Ebaymariokart
A dataset containing the school-level percentage of students scoring proficient or advanced in the 2018 Grade 10 Mathematics test in the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, along with characteristics of the school.mcas
Marvel Cinematic Universe filmsmcu_films
President's party performance and unemployment ratemidterms_house
Migraines and acupuncturemigraine
US Military Demographicsmilitary
Salary data for Major League Baseball (2010)mlb
Batter Statistics for 2018 Major League Baseball (MLB) Seasonmlb_players_18
Major League Baseball Teams Data.mlb_teams
Major League Baseball Player Hitting Statistics for 2010mlbbat10
Minneapolis police use of force data.mn_police_use_of_force
Custom Mosaic PlotMosaicPlot
Medial temporal lobe (MTL) and other data for 26 participantsmtl
Data for 20 metropolitan areasmurders
Custom PDF functionmyPDF myPNG
NBA Finals Historynba_finals
NBA Finals Team Summarynba_finals_teams
NBA Player heights from 2008-9nba_heights
NBA Players for the 2018-2019 seasonnba_players_19
North Carolina births, 1000 casesncbirths
Random sample of 200 observations from the dataset NHANES.nhanes.samp
Selection of participants 21 years of age or older from
A random sample of 500 participants age 21 or older from the full NHANES
Normal distribution tailsnormTail
Nuclear Arms Reduction Surveynuclear_survey
New York City Marathon Timesnyc_marathon
Flights datanycflights
California poll on drilling off the California coastoffshore.drilling offshore_drilling
OpenIntro colorsopenintro_colors
Function to extract OpenIntro IMS colors as hex codesopenintro_cols
Return function to interpolate an OpenIntro IMS color paletteopenintro_pal
OpenIntro palettesopenintro_palettes
College education and upward mobilityopp_insights_colleges
Data from 'opp_insights_colleges' that is restricted to 4-year, not-for-profit colleges.opp_insights_colleges_4year
Opportunity cost of purchasesopportunity_cost
1986 Challenger disaster and O-ringsorings
Oscar winners, 1929 to 2018oscars
Simulated datasets for different types of outliersoutliers
Race time for Olympic and Paralympic 1500m.paralympic_1500
Guesses at the weight of Penelope (a cow)penelope
What's the best way to loosen a rusty bolt?penetrating_oil
Penny Agespenny.ages penny_ages
Pew Survey on Energy Sources in 2018pew_energy_2018
Photo classifications: fashion or notphoto_classify
Piracy and PIPA/SOPApiracy
Table of Playing Cards in 52-Card Deckplaying_cards
Plot data and add a regression linePlotWLine
Air quality for Durham, NCpm25.2011.durham pm25_2011_durham
Air quality for Durham, NCpm25_2022_durham
Poker winnings during 50 sessionspoker
Possums in Australia and New Guineapossum
US Poll on who it is better to raise taxes onppp.201503 ppp_201503
Birth countspresent
United States Presidental Historypresident
Data with Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT) scores with demographic predictors and statin use.prevend
Random sample of size 500 from the prevend datasetprevend.samp
Prison isolation experimentprison
User reported fuel efficiency for 2017 Toyota Prius Primeprius_mpg
Generate simulated QQ plotsqqnormsim
Yahoo! News Race and Justice poll resultsrace_justice
Reddit Survey on Financial Independence.reddit_finance
Simulated data for regressionres_demo_1
Simulated data for regressionres_demo_2
Which resume attributes drive job callbacks?resume
Sample Responses to Two Public Health Questionsrosling_responses
Russians' Opinions on US Election Influence in 2016russian_influence_on_us_election_2016
Sustainability and Economic Indicators for South Africa.sa_gdp_elec
Salinity in Bimini Lagoon, Bahamassalinity
Simulated data for SAT score improvementsat_improve
SAT and GPA datasatgpa
Color scale constructor for OpenIntro IMS colorsscale_color_openintro
Fill scale constructor for OpenIntro IMS colorsscale_fill_openintro
Public Opinion with SCOTUS ruling on American Healthcare Actscotus_healthcare
Names of pets in Seattleseattlepets
Bank manager recommendations based on sexsex_discrimination
Simpson's Paradox: Covidsimpsons_paradox_covid
Simulated datasets, not necessarily drawn from a normal distribution.simulated_dist
Simulated datasets, drawn from a normal distribution.simulated_normal
Simulated data for sample scatterplotssimulated_scatter
Sinusitis and antibiotic experimentsinusitis
Survey on sleep deprivation and transportation workerssleep_deprivation
Smallpox vaccine resultssmallpox
UK Smoking Datasmoking
Snowfall at Paradise, Mt. Rainier National Parksnowfall
Social experimentsocialexp
Energy Output From Two Solar Arrays in San Franciscosolar
SOWC Child Mortality Data.sowc_child_mortality
SOWC Demographics Data.sowc_demographics
SOWC Maternal and Newborn Health Data.sowc_maternal_newborn
Financial information for 50 S&P 500 companiessp500
Daily observations for the S&P 500sp500_1950_2018
S&P 500 stock datasp500_seq
Speed, gender, and height of 1325 studentsspeed_gender_height
SSD read and write speedsssd_speed
Starbucks nutritionstarbucks
Final exam scores for twenty studentsstats_scores
Embryonic stem cells to treat heart attack (in sheep)stem_cell
Stents for the treatment of strokestent30 stent365
Monthly Returns for a few stocksstocks_18
Community college housing (simulated data, 2015)student_housing
Sleep for 110 students (simulated)student_sleep
Simulated fasting blood sugar levels for 100 residents of a hypothetical neighborhood labeled A.sugar.levels.A
Simulated fasting blood sugar levels for 100 residents of a hypothetical neighborhood labeled B.sugar.levels.B
Treating heart attackssulphinpyrazone
Supreme Court approval ratingsupreme_court
Swim velocities using different types of swimsuitsswim
Data used to model a triage scoring scale for a Danish emergency department.tb.interruption
Teacher Salaries in St. Louis, Michiganteacher
Textbook data for UCLA Bookstore and Amazontextbooks
Thanksgiving spending, simulated based on Gallup poll.tgSpending thanksgiving.spend thanksgiving_spend
A dataframe of 130 rows and 3 on body temperature.thermometry
Tip datatips
Simulated polling datasettoohey
Turkey tourismtourism
Simulated dataset for ANOVAtoy_anova
Transplant consultant success rate (fake data)transplant
Construct tree diagramstreeDiag
UCLA courses in Fall 2018ucla_f18
Sample of UCLA course textbooks for Fall 2018ucla_textbooks_f18
United Kingdom Demographic Dataukdemo
Annual unemployment since 1890unempl
President's party performance and unemployment rateunemploy_pres
US temperatures in 1950 and 2022us_temperature
ucb_admitucb_admit usb_admit
World Development Indicators, 2022.wdi_2022
Time Between Gondola Cars at Sterling Winerywinery_cars
World Population Data.world_pop
Create a CSV variant of .rda fileswrite_pkg_data
Exxon Mobile stock dataxom
Contagiousness of yawningyawn
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)yrbss
Sample of Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)yrbss_samp